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Rediscover your career confidence

Navigating your menopause diagnosis in the workplace
2-minute read

Menopause symptoms can have an impact on your career. For example, disturbed sleep, hot flushes and low mood can all affect your ability to work effectively.1 Explore these practical tips that can help you manage your menopause better
in the workplace.

Set reminders
Noting things you need to remember on your phone or writing them down can help with your brain fog (problems with remembering things or difficulty concentrating).1-3
Avoid triggers
Things that bring on hot flushes, such as hot food or drinks, especially before any presentations or meetings should be avoided.3
Request a fan
Asking for a fan or to move to a cooler part of the office can help if you're experiencing hot flushes throughout the work day.2
Talking about menopause at your workplace
Did you know?

45% of women felt that menopause symptoms had a negative impact on their work and 47% who needed to take a day off work due to menopause symptoms said that they wouldn’t tell their employer the real reason*2


*Survey of 1,000 adults in the UK by the British Menopause Society

It’s important to remember that menopause is a natural part of life, and that additional support should be available from your employer. In some countries there are laws in place to help protect women who are going through menopause from discrimination in the workplace.4  
You may want to discuss these practical needs with your line manager, another member of the management team or human resources – whoever you feel most comfortable with.1-3 We understand it can be difficult to talk about menopause in a professional environment, but being honest about how this affects your day-to-day work performance is an important first step for them to understand
and support.  
Some organisations offer flexible working and this may help you manage your symptoms - starting later during the day may help if you’re having troubles sleeping or you may find it more comfortable to work from home.1,2  
Before your meeting, you may find it helpful to write down a list of symptoms you’re experiencing and suggest some practical
solutions that your workplace could help with.1,2

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  1. Age UK. Menopause symptoms and finding support [Internet]. Available at: Last accessed October 2024.
  1. Faculty of Occupational Medicine. Guidance on menopause and the workplace [Internet]. Available at: Last accessed October 2024.
  1. Equality and Human Rights Commission. Menopause in the workplace: Guidance for employers. [Internet]. Available at: Last accessed October 2024.